in every direction the p ropriet or looking u pon his
a ssistants as friends, regarding them with a fam ily
feeling, while they s hould hav e t he proper respect
for him as a n a uthorised m a n ager, b ut with no
fear, and certa inly with no idea o f treating him
familia rly .
Anot her item t o wh ich you should pay particular
a t ten tion is to let you r employees go off dut» at
the h ours design a t ed , and not detain t hem. The
employees, too, a re to be just as p recise in going t o
work a t the exact m inute specifi ed ; there should
be a p erfect syst em of wor kin g hou rs, the t ime of
which is no t t o be d isregarded by either party.
business is a s uccess it is advisable to give an
occasiona l ext ra h oliday, in proper proportion,
prov id ing the assis t a nt is worthy , from lon g and
earnest ser vice ; or if possible, in the s ummer season ,
t o let the em p loyees h ave it a t d ifferen t times,
thou gh this is n a turally a difficult matter in our
line of business. r\ n d if t he propriet or is s u ccessful
h e should n ot display a p ride in his own r ise, a n d
ima gine it is a ll the result of his own brillia nt
mind , cla iming e ntire credit for his fina n cia l pro–
gress, but acknowledge h is indebt edn ess t o his
helpers, for wit hont their assist a n ce h e would not
have made su ch a rapid advance on the ladder
of s uccess. Give e n cou ragement wh ere it is due,
but do n ot let them t h in k that it is by th eir efforts
a lon e your b usiness h as p rosper ed, for if you
fla tter t hem too m uch, you can eas ily spoil the
best of men in you r em ploy. T r eat everyone
fairly a n d justly a nd h ave n o favourites, o n e man's
money is, a ll things considered, as good a s another 's,
provid ing he is n ot so into xicatecl tha t he shonld
be r efused. And h er e is wh ere the good saloon –
keep er's best judgm ent comes into p lay, he
should know h ow t o treat the m a n who has drunk