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THE purpose o f this li ttle pocke t manual is to

provide an unerring and infallible gu id e t o that

vast army of worke rs whi ch is en gaged in catering

t o the public from uehind bars of the countless

"hotels," "buffets," an<l " Clu bs" of every

description throughout the English -speakin g world

a nd on the Continent. The work is most unique

a n d original, as it is alp habetically indexed , and easy

to refer to in a rush . This little volume should,

and will be, the constant companion of a ll progressive

barmen, both proprietors and employees, because,

unlike a ha nd manual, it subj ec ts t he student to

no trouble or in convenie nce, a nd is absolutely

invaluable in the intelli gent prosecution of his work .

There h ave been a number of hand books published

containin g instru ct ions for the mixing o f d rinks,

etc., but such wo rks are n ot adaptaule by reason

of their cu m bersume propo rtions . They are left

lying around on shelves a nd in ocl<l places , ra rely

are they read ily accessible, a nd often they cannot

be found at a ll whe n wanted. Th is poc ket bar–

tenders' guide , whi ch the author most unqualifiedly

recommends as the best and o nl y one which h as

ever been written to fi ll ever y req uire me nt, con–

t a ins about


recipes for all kinds of modern

cocktails a nd mixed drinks, together "'ith appro –

priate toasts and valu able hints a nd instructions

relating to the bar business in a ll its details, and

which, if faithfully studied , will en a ble the veries t

novice in the business to become a n expert m ixe r

a nd a thorou ghly competent bar -tender in a

remar kably short time.