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As th(;re has been such a great <lcm;rnd for my






since I left Ciro's

London, to open a place o f my own in Paris, known

fa r a nd ;i_s JJarry 's


York lJ;i_r, 5, H.ue

Da unou, Paris. in this new edition I ha ,·e added

a ll the htcst coc kt;i_ils ; at lhc same time, .,_, I am

now a propridor, there arc a few things which may

be of some scn·ice tu those pushing young men who

wa n t tu !Jranch ou t thernsch·cs.


you wa nt t o

111:1ke yo11r business successful, you mus t obtain,

right from the st art, the best staff possible, for the

better yo ur assist a nts , t he more fr iends you w ill

ma ke, a nd better yo u will \Jc able to conduct your

b usiness; h;l\·iugscc11rcd yo ur cmplo>·ees, pay them

well, and t r(;;Lt t hem as t hey ought t o be treated–

politely, :ind in lhat way set them a good exa mple.

Don't ignore the people who work for you, that

will be the most serious mistake yo u can make .

Treat th m kindly and encourage them t o take a n

interest in yo ur business. for no ma n can s ucceed

with employees who fail to interest t hemselves

in his intC'rests , or you may be carr1·ing dead

wood in yo ur pay roll and you are bou nd to su ffer

for it. l


is a fac t that when the employees are not

treated right, the proprietor acting ha rsh ly or

with a n overbearing ma nner. ne ver having a good

word for a n yone, he will fail to make a success ;

for his employees instead of caring for his interests

will be a ntagonistic to him, caring little whether

his business runs down or not. Employers a nd

employees shou ld be in harmony with one a no ther,