GRID-Arendal is a centre of excellence for the scientific
analysis of environmental issues in many areas
including environmental assessments, ocean issues and
polar regions. We specialise in the communication of
environmental knowledge to support decision-making
and the formulation of policy.
Established in 1989, GRID-Arendal is a Norwegian
foundation with a board of directors appointed by the
Ministry of Climate and Environment. Our team is
made up of 30 permanent staff members, interns and
consultants form around the world.
Our work focusses on the changing global environment
and the challenges these changes present to people
everywhere. GRID-Arendal works closely with the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), other UN
agencies and partners around the world to connect science
to policy. Our joint purpose is to create environmental
knowledge enabling positive change. We do this by
organizing and transforming available environmental
data into credible, science-based information products,
delivered through innovative communication tools and
capacity building services targeting relevant stakeholders.
GRID-Arendal is a founding member of Klimapartnere
(Climate Partners) in Norway’s Agder region. The
network is made up of local businesses and institutions
that work together to reduce their own greenhouse gas
emissions and promote environmental awareness and
a green economy locally. As a member of this network,
GRID-Arendal is also certified by the Norwegian
environmental certification body, Miljøfyrtårn (the Eco-
Lighthouse certification).
Message from the Managing Director
Our Work
1. Environmental Crime
2. Transboundary Waters
3. Supporting Environmental Management
4. Adaptation to Climate Change
5. Marine and Coastal Resources
Board Report
Financial Statement
Achim Steiner
UN Under-Secretary General
UNEP Executive Director
“GRID-Arendal has come of age as one of
UNEP’s most valued collaborating centres and
a trusted partner in environmental projects
spanning the globe … I am confident that the
next chapter of the journey for GRID-Arendal
will be as ground breaking and influential as
it has been in its first 25 years.”