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10^ ounces offigs.

101 drachms of galanga-root.


41 ounces oforris-root.

. ,

2^ do. sage.

41 do. staranis.

21 do. coriander-seed.

Ground to a coarse iDOwder. Macerate (see No.5), and

distil Avith 6 gallons of alcohol,95 per cent., and li gallons

of Avater. Distil off5 gallons of the aromatic sjAirit; then

add 11 gallons of St. Juhen Medoc Avine; IJ- gallons of

distilled Avater; 13 drops of tincture of ambergris, and

21 gallons of Avhite plain syrup (see No. 7). Coloi-^ur^

pie AAuth tincture ofelderberry (see No.92).

83. Cider, Champagne.

10 gallons of cider, old and clear.

Put it in a strong iron-bound cask, pitched inside (like

beer-casks); add 2^ i^ints clarified Avhite plain syrup (see

No.7); dissolve in it 5 ounces of tartaric acid. Keep the

bung ready in hand; then add 74 ounces of bicarbonate

of potassa; bung it as quickly, and Avell as possible.

84. Cider, Strong.

Take as many apples as Avill make juice sufficient to

fill a strong cask. Make a .puljj of them, by passing

them through a cider-mill. Spread this pulp out on a

large sui-face, in the open air, and leave it for 24 hours.

Press out the juice as thoroughly as possible, and fill the

cask up to the buug-hole, and keep it full as long as the

fermentation is going on, by adding some juice kept aside

for that purpose. When the fermentation is ended, draAV

it off in another clean cask; but previous to filling tliis

cask, burn 1 drachm of brimstone in it, by hanging an iron

vessel through the bung-hole. Bung it up carefully, and

,keep it in a cool place.