1 lb. oforange flowers.
A ounce of mace.
2 do. Ravenzara nuts, or allspice.
Cut,and macerate for 2 weeks with SJ gallons of alcohol,
95 per cent., and 4 gallons of water (see No.5); distil
from offthe water .32 gallons of alcohol well flavored ; add
20 lbs. of sugar dissolved in 5 gallons of water; filter;
color rose. (See No.93.)
194. Elixir de Yiolettes.
3 gallons ofsyrup of violets.
2 do. syrup ofraspberries (see No.356).
5 do. spirit, 60 per cent.
Mix and filter.
195. Escubac d'Irelande.
12 ounces ofItalian fennel-seed.
8 do. Ceylon cinnamon.
Ground; macerate for 24 hours with 3i gallons of alco
hol,95 per cent., and 4 gallons of water (see No.5); distil
from off the water 3l gallons of flavored spirit; add 6^
gallons of white plain syrup, filter, and color yellow. (See
Nos. 3, 7, and 91.)
196. Esprit de Manuel.
100 drops of oil of peppermint.
59 do. oil of cloves.
Dissolve in 3i gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent.; add 6|
gallons of white plain syrup; color green with saffron and ^*
indigo. (See Nos.7 and 90.)