369. "Wine, Bordeaiix, Red.
4 gallons of high-flavored red Bordeaux wine.
6 do. plain wine.
Colored to the same shade with tinctui-e of alderherries.
37Q. "Wine, Bordeaux, White.
4 gallons of high-flavored white wine.
6 do. plain Avine.
Color to the shade with coloring or tincture of saffron.
(See Nos.88 and 91.)
871. Wine, Birch.
9 gallons of birch juice, draAvn in the month of Febru
ary or March from the birch tree by boring holes in it;
boil and skim,and cool it down to 100° Fahrenheit; then
dissolve in it 9 lbs. of sugai', and add 2 ounces of lemon
peels, finely cut; produce fermentation Avith 1 pint of
gluten; put the ingredients in a keg, and keep it con
stantly full till fermentation is over; filter or fine it (see
from ISTos. 202 to 205), and put in another keg,in Avhich
you have pjeviously burnt a strip of brimstone paper.
(See FTo. 418.)
372. Wine, Champagne.
10 gallons of ligkt white wine, such as Sauterne or
Rhine wine, Avell'clarified; add 3 lbs. of the whitest
rock candy, dissolved in 1^ pint of Avater; to this syrup
add 1 a gallon of wine alcohol(bon gofit), or any other
perfectly free of flavor; when all this is perfectly clear
fill it in a soda-water apparatus, and impregnate it Avith
carbonic acid (for family use li drachm of citric acid,and