D e t Kongelige Theater, The Theatre Hogal,
on Kongens Nytorv w as built in 1 7 4 8 by Frederik
V., and enlarged in 1774 by Christian VII.
building is a shabby affair both as to its exterior
and interior, quite unworthy o f so line a City as
Copenhagen. Perhaps it is ow ing to the immoderate
fondness o f the people for am u sem en ts, more
especially dramatic performances, that a theatre so
unsightly w ithout and so dingy and incommodious
within has been retained thus long, the "authorities”
finding it to be no hinderance to its being nightly
filled. T he building w ill contain about 1 2 0 0 persons.
The theatre, which receives a large contribution
from the state, (the actors and members o f the
Orchestra, as R oyal Employés, having also a claim
for p en sio n s), was till 1 8 4 9 , under a Royal D i
rection, consisting o f three members, o f which one
w as Chief. The management is now in the hands
o f one director, Etatsraad
and com es