under the department o f the
Cultus M inister;
the theatre’s "Budget” being settled by the
The theatrical season is from the 1st. of
September to the 1st. o f June, performances taking
place every night in the w e e k , except on some
W ednesdays.
The boxes are let for the season by
public au ctio n , which are afterwards privately let
out in single sittin g s; and persons who can scarcely
"make two ends meet” w ill, so extravagantly fond
o f amusements are the people, take a sitting for
one night in each week for the whole season.
Above the Proscenium is the motto "
E i blot
til L y s t ”
(not alone for amusement), indicative o f
that feeling or prejudice with the people that the
Theatre is essentially a school o f m o ra ls: indeed
many o f the intelligent classes frequently remark,
that the Church is not half so good a school.
The comedies o f H olb erg, the tragedies o f
Oehlenschlseger, and the vaudevilles and farces of
H a u ch , H eib erg, H er tz , Overskou , & c ., are well
Translations o f Shakspeare and She
ridan are frequently performed.
The Ballets of
Bournonville are first-rate.
Dot Kongelige H o ftheater
The Royal
Court Theatre,
situate on the left of the spacious
Riding-ground above the Stabling o f Christiansborg
Palace, is a c le a n , pretty theatre, capable of con