It is consequently unrealistic to
claim that off-grid solar panels will
save the world from under-develop-
ment. It is already possible to supply
the necessary energy straight away and
more cheaply, but in other ways. On
the other hand it is obviously tempting
for firms and governments in indus-
trialised countries, with the blessing
of public opinion, to use development
grants to boost funding for research
in this field.
It looks very much as if countries
in the North, concerned about green-
house gas emissions, are advocating
massive use of renewable energies
everywhere but at home, despite the
fact that the main markets are located
there, along with the essential finan-
cial, technical and industrial resources.
If we really want renewable energies
to achieve their full potential, we must
make several changes:
- saving energy must become a
genuine priority. Otherwise, if energy
consumption continues to increase,
no production technique, sustainable
or otherwise, will be efficient enough
in the immediate future to prevent a
climatic disaster;
- richcountriesmust finallymakeup
their minds to capitalise on the consi-
derable potential they have in this field,
leaving oil, at its current price, to the
developing countries rather than impo-
sing policies that are often ill suited to
their short-termneeds. Some countries,
such as Germany, have already got the
message, launching large-scale, grid-
connected wind or solar-powered sche-
mes. Others, in particular, France, are
doing all they can to resist the trend;
- we must help countries in the
South with significant biomass,
hydraulic or solar-power potential to
concentrate their own R&D resour-
ces on projects that use such potential
wisely and capitalise on it locally.
International Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis (IIASA):
World Energy Council (WEC):
Les cahiers de Global Chance:
Observatoire des énergies renouvelables:
French national energy debate:
www.debat-energie.gouv.frOn the web
La Production d’ lectricit d’origine
renouvelable dans le monde, sixi me
, Observatoire des énergies
renouvelables (Observ'ER) - EDF, 2004.
conventional (fossil or nuclear)
In Terawatt hours
3 840
1 000
2 000
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Electricity output from renewable energy sources still marginal
Research budget
World potential for 2020
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