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to 5% of the number of identified disabled students residing in Ohio in

the previous year.

The scholarship, which is deducted from the district of residence’s state

aid, is set as the least of: 1) the fees charged by the alternative public or

private provider; 2) the sum of the base formula amount ($5,900 in FY

2016 and $6,000 in FY 2017) plus base funding supplements; or 3)


The base funding supplements are based on the category of the

student’s disability and are as follows:

Category 1: $1,547 in FY 2016 and $1,578 in FY 2017

Category 2: $3,926 in FY 2016 and $4,005 in FY 2017

Category 3: $9,433 in FY 2016 and $9,622 in FY 2017

Category 4: $12,589 in FY 2016 and $12,841 in FY 2017

Category 5: $17,049 in FY 2016 and $17,390 in FY 2017

Category 6: $25,134 in FY 2016 and $25,637 in FY 2017

Beginning in 2014-15, a Special Needs Scholarship for a student with a

category one disability shall be used only to pay for related services that

are included in the student’s individualized education program.

While the school district of residence will still have the responsibility to

develop the individualized education program, it will no longer be

obligated to provide a “free and appropriate public education” for that

child, but it will be required to provide transportation to and from the

alternative provider “in the manner prescribed by law.”

Students will still participate in the state achievement assessments.





School districts must provide to parents of students with disabilities a

document comparing a parent’s and child’s rights under the Jon

Peterson Special Needs Scholarship with those described in federal law

(20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq. and normally referred to as “due process

rights”). The document (to be developed by the department of

education) must include deadlines for renewing or applying for the


In addition, whenever a district completes an evaluation for a child with a

disability or undertakes the development, review, or revision of the

child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), the district must notify

the parent by letter or electronic means of the possible availability of both

the autism scholarship program and the Jon Peterson Special Needs

Scholarship. The notice must include the telephone number of the office

within the department of education responsible for administering the

scholarship and the specific location of information regarding the

scholarships on the department’s web site.








Under Ohio law, boards of education are authorized to establish several

different types of schools or classes to meet the needs of their residents.

Among those specifically authorized under law are:

Evening schools;

Alternative schools;

Adult high school continuation programs;

Americanization school; and



