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Following its adoption of the resolution, the state board must certify the

proposal with the board of elections of any county with districts affected

by the boundary changes. The proposal is then placed on the ballot for

the next general or primary election held at least 90 days following the

certification of the state board’s resolution.

Those qualified to vote on the proposal are the electors residing in the

school districts, containing territory which the state board is proposing for


If a majority of voters approve the transfer, the net indebtedness of the

previous district shall be assumed by the “new” district in the same ratio

that the assessed valuation of the transferred area bears to the

assessed valuation of the original district as of the effective date of the

creation of the new district. Not included in the net indebtedness is any

loan made to a district from the lottery profits education fund if the taxes

charged to one or more bankrupt taxpayers equals or exceeds ten per

cent of the total amount of the school district’s taxes charged on such tax

lists and duplicates.

The state board is also charged with apportioning “equitably” any

available funds and with determining to which ESC the “new” district will

be assigned.

If an entire district is transferred, the board of education of the

transferred district is abolished. If only part of a district is transferred, any

board member with a legal address in the transferred territory ceases to

be a board member.

With the approval of the governing board of the educational service

center and the recommendation of the state superintendent of public

instruction, the state board may by resolution transfer all or any part of a

school district with less than $4,000 of assessed value for each student

to a district which has more than 25,000 students in average daily

membership. However, such a resolution of transfer can be adopted

only if the receiving district has approved a resolution approving the

proposed transfer.




The Individualized Education Program (IEP) for any student identified

with a disability must contain appropriate and measurable goals related

to employment (in a competitive environment in which workers are

integrated regardless of disability.




Non-civil service districts may terminate any of its regular transportation

staff “for reasons of economy and efficiency” if it elects to enter into a

contract with an independent agent to provide the transportation

services, provided that the district meets six basic conditions:

1) Collective bargaining agreement with unit representing

transportation staff has expired or will expire within 60 days;

2) Board permits any transportation staff member whose position is

terminated to fill any vacancy for which the person is qualified;

3) Board permits staff person whose position is terminated to return

to former position if it is reinstated within one year of the termination

(if collective bargaining does not prohibit);

4) Board permits employee whose position is terminated but who is

not given another position or reinstated to file appeal under ORC


5) Contract between board and independent agent contains a
