School Policies . . .
Mandatory and Optional
121.22 Sunshine Law meeting notice rules
149.43(E) Public records
3313.20 (1) Entry of persons on school grounds
(2) Attendance of employees at professional meetings
3313.205 Notification to parents that student absent from school
3313.208 Latchkey programs (if operated)—public input
3313.23 Treasurer incapacitation standards
3313.472 Parental involvement in schools
3313.534 Zero tolerance policy for student misbehavior and truancy
3313.535 Passing grades required for interscholastic extracurriculars
3313.602 (1) Pledge of Allegiance policy (to have or not have)
(2) Encouraging employees to instill ethical/democratic values
3313.603 Local credit flexibility policies (following State Board guidelines)
3313.608 3rd grade reading guarantee (procedures)
3313.609 Grade promotion and retention
3313.661 Student suspension, expulsion, removal, permanent exclusion
3313.666 Bullying (must include dating violence provisions)
3313.713 Dispensing of medications to students
3313.719 Peanut and other food allergies
3313.751 No-smoking / no-tobacco rule (students)
3313.76 Use of school facilities by community
3313.77 Use of school facilities by community, with list of fees
3313.814 Local nutrition standards for food and beverages sold at school
3313.86 Health and safety policy review (periodic)
3313.97 Intradistrict open enrollment
3313.98 Interdistrict open enrollment (none, adjacent, or statewide)
3313.983 (JVS) Open enrollment procedures
3319.011 Superintendent incapacitation standards
3319.141 Advancement of sick leave
3319.142 Personal leave for nonteaching employees
3319.02 Procedures for evaluation of administrators
3321.191 Guidelines for reducing student truancy
3324.06 Screening and identification of gifted students
3324.10 Student acceleration policy
Ohio Adm. Code
901:5-11-15 Pesticide use in schools / parental notification (Ohio Dept. of Agriculture)