5 1
PUNCH-Irish Whiskey; hot. (Use a hot water glass.)
One or t wo lumps of
S lll!ttl".
One ·or t wo dasluis of leuw n j,uice,
One wine-glass of Irish whiskey,
Fill up with hot water ; stir well. Place a slice of lemon
on top, grate a little n utmeg and serve.
PUNCH- Kirschwasser. (Use a large bar glass.)
One-half tablespoon of
Two or t hree
of lemon juice,
Three or fonr dashes of cha rtreuse,
One wine.gla.i::s of kirschwa.sser,
Fill three-quarttn·s of the glass with fine Ice,
Dress with fruits; serve wiLh a str aw.
PUNCH- Maraschino. (Use a large beer glass.)
One teaspoonf uLof pow<lere<l sug·ar, d issolved
a lit-
tle wa ter
One wine-glass of brandy,
Two dashes of a rrack,
One-ha lf pony l{lass of m1u aschino,
The juice of ha lf a sma ll lemon.
Fill the tu mbler with shaved ice, shak e well, ornament
w' •,h fruits a ncl berries in season, a nd serve
a stra w.
PUNCH- Medford Rum. (Use
large bar glass.)
Fill glass with fine ice,
Three-qunrters tabltispoon of sugar,
Two or t hree dash es of lemon juice,
One and one-q1rnr ter ghisses of Medford rum,
One dash of J a ma ica r um.
Stir well. Dress with frui ts. Serve with a straw.