PUNCH- Regent's. · (Use a punch bowl.)
One a nd one-ha lf p!11ts of strong !!reen tea (hot)
One a nd one-half p111ts of lemon juice
0ne and one-ha lf pints of capillalre '
One pint of J am aica rum,
One pint of br..ndy,
One pint of Blltavia arrack,
One pint of curacoa,
One bott le of champngne,
One pineapple,
Mix. thl'I ing!·edi.e11ts well together in a punch-bowl, &nd >lCld
the wme a nd ice Just before servi?g.
PUNCH-Rochester. For a small party.
Two bott les of sparkling' c>ttawba,
'l'wo bottles of sparkling I sabella,
One bottle of sauterhe,
wine:glSU!Ses of marasch ino,
T ;·;o wine-glt.sses of cm-acoa.
F lavor with ripe stra wberries. Should strawberries not be
In season, acid a fe w drops of the extract or peach or vanilla.
Ice in a coole_r.
PUNCH- Roman. (Use a large bar 1las, .)
One-ha!f glass of fine ice,
One tablespoon of sugar,
Two or t hree clashes of lemon juice,
J uice of )lalf a n ora nge,
One-quarter nony of c ura.con,
One-ha lf wine-gla.•s of b1·andy,
One-half pon v of J a maica rum .
Stir well ; dash n'ith port wine; d ress w!t,h frr.:t ; sarve
wilha stra w.
PUNCH- Rum. (Use a large bar glasa.)
One tablespoonful of sugar,
Tbr e or four dashes of lemon jnice,
One-quarter pony of
One wine-glass of St. Croix or 8a nta Cruz r nm,
One slice of orange cut in qua rters.
Fill up wll h fine ice. Dress top with frnit a nd berries.
Serve with a straw.