PUNCH-Milk. (Use a large bar glass.)
One·third glass of fine ice,
Three-qua r ters tablespoon of sugar,
One wine-glass of brand y,
One wine-glass of St. Croix rum,
OnE-·ha.lf winE'-gla.ss of J amaica. rum.
with fresb milk, mL""< well together, st ram a nd
cerve with a. little nutm eg on top.
PUNCH- Milk ; hot. (Use a large bar glass.)
Sa.me a.s Milk :Punch, using h ot milk instead of; cold;
s tir with a. spoon ; do11't sha ke.
PUNCH- Mississippi. (Use a large bar glass.)
One tablespoon of suga.'i-,
One-ha.If \Vine-glass of water or selters,
Two dashes of lem on juice, dissolved well,
One-ha.If wine-glass of J ama ica. Rum,
One-ha.If wine-glass of Bourbon
whi~k ey,
One -wine-glass of brand y.
Fill the glass with shaved ice; shake or s_tir th e ingredients -
well, orna m ent. in a ta.sty ma nner with fruit in season, and
ser ve wit!l a straw.
PUNCH- Nectar.
Four and one-h alf pints of rum ,
• Two qua r ts of milk, boiling hot,
T wo qua rts of cold water.
Two a nd one-ha lf pounds of loaf sugar
Fifteen lemons,
One nut.meg.
Cut off the J•eel of th e lem ons ver y thin and in fuse t h em
for forty-eight hours with a. pin t a nd a ha lf of t h tl r u m. Arl d
to th e infusion t he water, t he j uice of t lrn lemons, t he milk,
a nd the n u tm eg, g ra ted ; let it a.JI
fo1· t wenty-fou r
hours, covered close; t hen add t he sugar, strain through
lla nnel, a nd b ottle fo r use. It is read y to use at ani· t ime.