ABSINTHE- Italia n Styl e. (Use a large bar glass.)
One pony o f absinthe,
'.fwo or t hree
of ice,
Two or t hree dashes of m ..rascbino,
One-ha lf pon y of a 1.isette.
P our ice \".at"r into the gbiss ; slowly stir "-itb a spoon and
" ARF AND ARF," or Black and . Tan. (Use a large ale glass->
Tbis is a common English drink a nd m eans h a l f por ter a nd
h a lf a le, but
t his counr.ry we use half old nle a nd half
ne w. 11 is a lways best to ask the cusLomer how h e d esires it.
BALAKLAVA NECTAR. (For a party of fifteen)
Thinly peel the rind of on e-half of a lemon, sh re<l it fin e
and put it in a punc h bowl, a dd four tablespoohfuls of
crushed sugar and the juice of
One lemon,
One g ill of maraschino,
Two bottles of soda water,
Two bot tl"s o f claret,
'l'wo bot tles of c lrn.m pa.gne.
Slit- well together a nd dress the top
fruit in season,
and serve.
BEEF TEA. (Use a hot-water gl•ss.)
· One-qua r ter teaspoonfu l of the be•t beef Pxtract.
Fill the g lass with bot water; stir up well wit;h a spoun
and ha nd this to
~he custom~r;
place pepper. salt a.nJ celery
salad bandy; a nd 1f the customer sh ou ld r equire it put in a
small qua ntity of sh<-t"J"Y wine or brandy.
BISHOP. (Use a larg e bar glass.)
One tA.bleRpnnnfnl nf s11e:11,r,
Two dashPs of lemon jnice,
H alf the j uice of an ora nge.
One squil·t
St>ltzer ""Rte1·.
Tb reP.-qnart1'1· glR•• fi ll Pd with fine ice
Fill the bnlance -,,·ith Rurg und y.
Dash of J a m aica 1·11 rn
Stir well. Dress wich fruit". a nd serve with a