following persons, both of whom are eligible
for the awards:
Overend Scholarship—Richard J. Rice.
Findlater Scholarship—Enda P. O'Carroll.
The Council unanimously adopted the re
port of the Court of Examiners and declared
the scholarships be awarded in accordance
Definition of a Bank
For the purposes of the Solicitors Accounts
Regulations 1967 the Council adopted the
recommendation by the Compensation Fund
Committee that no change be made in the
list of authorised banks in the schedule to
the Solicitors Accounts Regulations 1967.
December 15th
Mr. O'Donnell and later Mr. Noonan in the
chair, also present Messrs. Desmond J.
Collins, Ralph J. Walker, Peter D. M.
Prentice, Desmond Moran, Bruce St. J. Blake,
D. J. O'Connor, G. Y. Goldberg, George A.
Nolan, John O'Meara, Robert McD. Taylor,
Augustus Cullen, P. C. Moore, Brendan Mac-
Grath, Rory O'Connor, James R. C. Green,
John J. Nash, Thomas E. O'Donnell, John
Carrigan, Gerald J. Moloney, Thomas Jack
son, James W. O'Donovan, J. F. Foley, B. J.
Carroll, Joseph L. Dundon, Walter Beatty,
Gerard M. Doyle, John B. Jermyn, Gerald
Hickey, John Maher, D. J. O'Connor, Eunan
McCarron, Norman Spendlove, Peter E.
The following was among the business
Election of President and vice-Presidents
Mr. Patrick Noonan, solicitor, Athboy, Co.
Meath, was elected President. Mr. Noonan is
solicitor to the Meath County Council and is
President of the International Bar Associa
tion. Mr. Eunan McCarron of the firm T. T. L.
Overend, McCarron & Gibbins, Lower Mount
Street, Dublin, was elected senior vice-Presi-
dent. Mr. Brendan MacGrath, solicitor to
C.I.E., was elected junior vice-President for
the year.
Professional Stationery
A member who is a fellow of the Institute
of Arbitrators in London enquired as to
whether he could use the letters F.INST.
ARB. on his professional stationery — the
Council refused the application. Names of
all solicitors appearing on professional sta
tionery of a solicitor should hold practising
certificates. No names should appear on the
professional stationery of a solicitor unless
such person holds a practising certificate.
Tenant Purchase Scheme
Members acting on behalf of local authori
ties refer to the opinion of the Council ex
pressed at C.19 of the Society's Handbook,
queried as to whether the view of the pro
visions of that opinion at Section 32 of sub
section 1 of the Landlord and Tenant
(Ground Rents) Act 1967 where a local
authority as solicitor is entitled to charge to
the authority the costs of the lessor. It was
decided that the provisions of the Ground
Rents Act applied and that the local authority
must pay to their solicitor the lessor's costs.
The explanatory Memorandum published
with the Bill which was out of print for
some time is now available in the Govern
ment Publications Sales Office, G.P.O.
Arcade, Dublin 1, or through any bookseller,
price 2/6d.
The Academy of American and Inter
national Law invite applications for fellow
ships for their Summer School from June
3—July 19, 1968, in Dallas, Texas. Trans
portation to and from applicants's home
country is not provided by the Academy. A
fellowship includes tuition, fees, room and
meals. The Cultural Officer of the United
States Embassy or Legation or the Director
of the Fulbright Commission (Foundation)
or other foundations in the applicant's
country of residence may be contacted by
the candidate for pertinent information re
garding travel grants. Admission is by selec
tion based on applicant's academic record
and other available data. Applicants must
have a college degree and experience in one
of the following fields: public service, law,
economics, journalism, teaching or business.
"No application form is provided by the
Academy. Applications may be made by
letter to the Directeor of the Academy of
American and International Law, Inter
national and Comparative Law Center, The
Southwestern Legal Foundation, 3315 Daniels,