Building Blue Carbon Projects - An Introductory Guide - page 37

Building Blue Carbon Projects
An Introductory Guide
Blue Carbon Projects
Though advancing globally, Blue Carbon is still
very much developing, and not all Blue Carbon
activities will be uniform. In fact, a rigid plan or
template for Blue Carbon projects would likely be
counterproductive as a flexible approach to
project development better suites the varying
conditions and objectives of potential projects
worldwide. This section discusses the potential
phases of a Blue Carbon approach, potential
elements of Blue Carbon projects, and what
types of projects are being advanced worldwide,
based on the experiences of existing and planned
Blue Carbon projects and other sources.
Phases of Blue Carbon Project
The application of Blue Carbon can be generally
broken down into four project phases: scoping,
planning, demonstration, and implementation,
illustrated in the following bullet points and in
Figure 3.
We recognize that the following
descriptions are generalized and that some
elements or activities may occur concurrently
depending  on  a  project’s  objectives
. The
description of each phase centres on key aspects
in project development. This guide principally
focuses on the scoping and demonstration
phases of Blue Carbon.
establishing a foundation for Blue Carbon
projects, including identifying stakeholders
(Figure 4), targeted geographic area, habitat
type, key issues, and developing overarching
project goals.
Planning phase
: This phase addresses how a
plan for a Blue Carbon demonstration project
is designed. During this phase measurable
objectives and clear overarching goals are
set, potential project partners and funders
are identified, and scientific methodologies
Phases of Blue Carbon
Scoping - Establishing a Foundation for Blue Carbon
Develop a common understanding of Blue Carbon
Build interest, expand participation, and create
settings for sectors and stakeholders to come
Identify target geographic areas of Blue Carbon
ecosystems and key concerns/drivers of loss and
Take stock of existing management practices and
scientific capacity
Clearly illustrate the need for and scope of a
potential project
Potential deliverables
: Workshop, Scoping Study
Planning - Plan the Process
Identify measurable objectives and set clear
overarching goals
Identify potential project partners
Identify potential sources of funding
Choose science methodologies for Blue Carbon
Potential deliverables
: Project Proposal
Demonstration - Testing Blue Carbon
Implement Blue Carbon methodologies including
in depth ecosystem assessments and geographic
Measure, evaluate, and adapt
Evaluate governance options and legal
frameworks to support multi-sectoral
Prioritize threats, evaluate management options,
and examine trade-offs
Continue to communicate and educate (policy and
Potential deliverables
: Assessment reports, PDD
including governance options
Implementation - Applying Blue Carbon
Secure accreditation
Secure sustainable financing for Blue Carbon
implementation over time (via. carbon market,
multi PES approach and/or other mechanism)
Monitor, evaluate, and adapt
Potential deliverables
: secure and sustainable
funding for the conservation and/or restoration of
Blue Carbon habitats
Figure 3
Phases of a Blue Carbon approach (adapted
from UNEP, 2011).
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