Building Blue Carbon Projects - An Introductory Guide - page 47

Building Blue Carbon Projects
An Introductory Guide
Using networks with other Blue Carbon efforts (e.g., South to South exchanges), in which both
developing countries share knowledge, experience, technical prowess, appropriate
technologies, financial and in-kind contributions, etc. and developed countries serve to
facilitate and foster.
Policy and Management Engagement
The policy and management engagement element primarily builds on the Policy and Management
Assessment and the Blue Carbon Viability Assessment and explores ways to bring the value of Blue
Carbon more clearly to the attention of policy makers and environmental managers. This element
aims for the value of Blue Carbon to be incorporated into policy and management at the national
and/or local levels. Tasks for this element can include the following:
The presentation of options for translating the value of Blue Carbon into improved ecosystem
management with key local and national policy stakeholders.
Blue Carbon ecosystems are vitally important for coastal and marine biodiversity such as this endangered Florida
manatee swimming over a seagrass meadow off Key Biscayne, Florida (Image credit Steven J Lutz, Blue Climate
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