Building Blue Carbon Projects - An Introductory Guide - page 39

Building Blue Carbon Projects
An Introductory Guide
of a scoping study may be an exploratory report that provides the basis for expansion to a project-
level demonstration.
Further information
on Blue Carbon scoping studies, feasibility assessments and project planning
can be found in the following:
Key takeaways:
A  scoping  study  presents  an  opportunity  to  critically  assess  a  project’s  potential,  and  to  
identify key local and national stakeholders, and potential project partners.
Potential deliverables for a scoping include initial stakeholder workshops and a scoping study
report (including project idea notes).
It is encouraged that stakeholders are engaged early and continuously through the project.
The Management of Coastal Carbon Sinks in Vanuatu: Realising the Potential: Scoping and Feasibility Study
(Laffoley, 2013)
Mangrove Ecosystem Services & Payments for Blue Carbon in Solomon Islands
et al
., 2012)
Blue Carbon - First Level Exploration of Blue Carbon in the Arabian Peninsula, with Special Focus on the UAE
and Abu Dhabi: A Rapid Feasibility Assessment
(Lutz, 2011)
Mikoko Pamoja Plan Vivo Project Idea Note
(Plan Vivo, 2010)
Blue Carbon in the Arabian Peninsula
Feasibility Assessment
During the summer and fall of 2011, AGEDI conducted a
feasibility assessment for Blue Carbon in the Arabian
Peninsula, with the goal of undertaking a first-order
exploration of what a Blue Carbon approach could look
like locally, nationally and regionally, and to start a
discussion that could be continued at a focused session
at the Eye on the Earth Summit in December 2011. Over
40 meetings were held with local, national, and regional
authorities and with organizations from three countries
in the Arabian Peninsula. The project identified
preliminary science and policy needs, project partners
and stakeholders, and represented a significant
milestone for Blue Carbon. The project produced a
report titled
Blue Carbon - First Level Exploration of
Natural Coastal Carbon in the Arabian Peninsula
2011) and successfully laid the groundwork for the Abu
Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project.
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