Building Blue Carbon Projects - An Introductory Guide - page 44

Building Blue Carbon Projects
An Introductory Guide
Further information on a combined Blue Carbon and ecosystem services approach can be found in
Section 4.
Seagrass habitat assessment and ground truthing off Marawah Island, Abu Dhabi (image credit AGEDI/Steve Crooks).
Policy and Management Assessment
The policy and management assessment element considers Blue Carbon in a local and national
coastal ecosystem management context (e.g., coastal and marine protected areas and
environmental rules and national climate change mitigation policies). This element aims to identify
how Blue Carbon can be incorporated into local and/or national level policy and management and
result in improved ecosystem management. Tasks for this element can include the following:
Stakeholder engagement to assess existing rules and policies and identify any contradictions or
gaps in policy that might serve as a barrier to incorporation of Blue Carbon;
Policy analysis and the production of a report identifying policy and management steps
forward towards improved ecosystem management.
Communication and Outreach
Successful projects require a communication and outreach strategy that focuses on educating key
constituencies, stakeholders, and future project designers. For an emerging concept such as Blue
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