Building Blue Carbon Projects - An Introductory Guide - page 41

Building Blue Carbon Projects
An Introductory Guide
Elements of Existing Demonstration Projects
A Blue Carbon demonstration project essentially involves the testing of methodologies and
approaches for valuing Blue Carbon at a specific project site and exploring and providing
mechanisms for improving ecosystem management based on this value. A demonstration project
can examine suitability for the carbon market and anticipated greenhouse gas benefits, in addition
to other technical, financial, and legal considerations. Elements of existing Blue Carbon projects
presented in this section are derived primarily from the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration
Project (Case Study 8.1), the project preparation grant (PPG) phase of the GEF Blue Forests Project
(Case Study 8.6) and the Plan Vivo certified Mikoko Pamoja Project (Case Study 8.2). Input from
the other case studies presented in Section 8 and projects has also been considered.
Blue Carbon demonstrations are expected to vary in scope and size. The case studies we draw on
for the elements presented here range from the relatively small scale (i.e., the mangrove carbon
exploration of an area of just over 100 hectares in Gazi Bay, Kenya (Case Study 8.2)) to the
relatively large scale (i.e., the exploration of carbon, the valuation of ecosystem services and other
project components for mangroves, seagrass and saltwater marsh ecosystems in Abu Dhabi (Case
Study 8.1)). It is important to note that these approaches are not mutually exclusive.
The following proposed Blue Carbon demonstration project elements illustrate potential common
elements. The project elements are arranged under two central themes:
Improving understanding
, which includes activities focused on the application of
methodologies and approaches to better understand the value of Blue Carbon, such as the
following elements:
Carbon Assessment
Geographic Analysis and Ground Truthing
Ecosystem Services Assessment
Policy and Management Assessment
Communication and Outreach
Blue Carbon Viability Assessment
Project Management and Coordination
Improving capacity and ecosystem management
, which includes activities designed to
utilize the value of Blue Carbon to improve coastal ecosystem management along with
enhancing capacity where needed to sustain this approach, such as the following elements:
Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer
Policy and Management Engagement
It is important to note that project elements are expected to differ
according to each national setting, need and project context for potential
Blue Carbon demonstration projects
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