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CYIL 5 ȍ2014Ȏ

2.3 The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare)

The third topic, which the Commission completed this year, relates to the obligation

to extradite or prosecute (

aut dedere aut judicare

). However, the methods of work and

the outcome differ considerably from the above presented draft articles. In 2014,

the ILC re-constituted the Working Group on the topic under the chairmanship of

Mr. K. Kittichaisaree. The Working Group continued to evaluate work on this topic,

particularly in the light of comments made in the Sixth Committee at the sixty-

eighth session of the General Assembly on the 2013 report of the Working Group.

On the basis of the work of the Working Group, the Commission adopted the final

report and decided to conclude the topic.


The final report is intended to summarize and to highlight particular aspects of

the work of the Commission on the topic “The obligation to extradite or prosecute”,

in order to assist States in this matter. The ILC noted that States have expressed their

desire to cooperate among themselves, and with competent international tribunals,

in the fight against impunity for crimes, in particular offences of international

concern. The role that the obligation to extradite or prosecute plays in supporting

international cooperation to fight impunity has been recognized at least since the

time of Hugo Grotius, who postulated the principle

aut dedere aut punire



The Commission referred to the general framework for the topic adopted in



It also considered the Survey of multilateral conventions which may be of

relevance for the ILC’s work on this topic prepared by the Secretariat, which identified

four categories of treaty provisions on

aut dedere aut judicare



The Working Group

also considered the Judgment of the International Court of Justice in case


v. Senegal



Most members of the Commission agreed that a continuing work on

this topic could not bring expected results, such as draft articles with commentaries.

In the light of the above Survey, the Commission considered that when drafting

treaties States could decide for themselves as to which conventional formula on

the obligation to extradite or prosecute best suits their objective in a particular

circumstance. Because of the great diversity in the formulation, content and scope of

the obligation, it would be futile for the ILC to engage in harmonizing the various

treaty clauses.


The Commission also touched upon the relationship of the obligation to extradite

or prosecute with

erga omnes

obligations or

jus cogens

norms. The statement of the

ICJ in

Belgium v. Senegal

must be read in the specific context of that case. The


See doc. A/CN.4/L.839 (2014).


See Hugo Grotius,

De Iure Belli ac Pacis

, Book II, chapter XXI, section IV (English translation by

F.W. Kelsey), Oxford/London, 1925, p. 527. Cit. in: doc. A/CN.4/L.839 (2014), pp. 5-6.


See Report of the ILC, 2009, GAOR, Sixty-Fourth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/64/10), § 204.


Survey of multilateral conventions, UN doc. A/CN.4/630 (2010).


Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite

(Belgium v. Senegal), Judgment of 20 July

2012, ICJ Reports 2012.


See doc. A/CN.4/L.839 (2014), p. 10, § 12.