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CYIL 5 ȍ2014Ȏ

2.5 Protection of the atmosphere

In relation to this topic, the ILC considered the first report of the Special Rapporteur

Shinya Murase.


The report addressed the general objective of the project, identifying

the relevant basic concepts and offering approaches to be taken with respect to the

subject. The Special Rapporteur also presented three draft guidelines concerning

(1) the definition of the term “atmosphere”; (2) the scope of the draft guidelines;

and (3) the legal status of the atmosphere, described as “a natural resource essential

for sustaining life on earth, human health and welfare, and aquatic and terrestrial

ecosystems”. Its protection was declared “a common concern of humankind”.

However, as presently formulated the draft guideline was viewed by members of the

Commission as broad and having far reaching implications. Following the extensive

and rather critical debate in plenary, the referral of the draft guidelines to the Drafting

Committee was deferred, at the request of the Special Rapporteur, until next year.


2.6 Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction

As regards this topic, the Commission had before it the third report of the Special

Rapporteur Ms. Concepción Escobar Hernández, in which draft Article 2(e), on

the definition of State official, and draft Article 5, on the Beneficiaries of immunity

ratione materiae

, were presented.


Following the rich debate both in plenary and in

the Drafting Committee, the Commission provisionally adopted draft Article 2(e),

on the definition of State official,


and draft Article 5, on the Persons enjoying


ratione materiae



It was also said, however, that the key issue of immunity

ratione materiae

will be the definition of an official act, which the Special Rapporteur

intends to propose in 2015.

2.7 Identification of customary international law

Concerning the topic “Identification of customary international law”, the

Commission considered the second report of the Special Rapporteur, Sir Michael



It contained eleven draft conclusions based on the thorough analysis

of the scope and outcome of the topic, the basic approach, and the two constituent

elements of rules of customary international law, i.e. “a general practice” and “accepted

as law” (

opinio juris

). Following the debate in Plenary, the ILC decided to refer all

draft conclusions to the Drafting Committee, which provisionally adopted eight draft

conclusions. As the debate took place only in July, it was not enough time to submit

commentaries to the adopted conclusions. Therefore the Commission took note of


See doc. A/CN.4/667 (2014).


See doc. A/CN.4/L.841 (2014), p. 8-11, § 27, 39.


See doc. A/CN.4/673 (2014).


See doc. A/CN.4/L.842/Add.1, p. 2: „… (e) ‘State official’ means any individual who represents the

State or who exercises State functions.”


Ibid., p. 9: “State officials acting as such enjoy immunity

ratione materiae

from the exercise of foreign

criminal jurisdiction.”


See A/CN.4/672 (2014).