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report of the Drafting Committee. The draft conclusions with commentaries will be

adopted by the Plenary during the next session. The Special Rapporteur also indicated

that the third report would address the various aspects pertaining to international

organizations, the relationship between customary international law and treaties, as

well as resolutions of international organizations, the questions of the “persistent

objector” and regional, local and bilateral custom.


2.8 Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict

Concerning this topic, the Commission had before it the preliminary report of

the Special Rapporteur, Ms. Marie Jacobsson.


The report presented an overview

of views expressed by delegates in the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly,

practice of States and international organizations, the scope and methodology of the

topic, based on the three-phased approach (obligations arising prior, during and after

an armed conflict). It also included the use of terms, environmental principles, and

human and indigenous peoples’ rights. In view of its preliminary character, the report

did not include any draft conclusions. The report was followed by a fairly extensive

debate in Plenary, addressing all issues of the report and including constructive

criticism. The Special Rapporteur was in full agreement with those members who

expressed that further examination of the linkages between environmental principles,

human rights law and armed conflict was necessary. She also recalled that the purpose

of her report was to seek views on peacetime obligations before proceeding to the

second report and the development of guidelines, conclusions or recommendations

on both phases I and II.


2.9 Provisional application of treaties

In relation to the topic “Provisional application of treaties”, the Commission

considered the second report of the Special Rapporteur J.M. Gómez-Robledo.


The report continued to discuss on general issues, methodology and outcome of the

topic. In particular, it highlighted two points. First, the provisional application of

treaties produces legal effects and is capable of creating certain rights and obligations

under international law. Second, the Commission need not concern itself with the

domestic legislation of States; therefore the analysis of the provisional application of

treaties will focus on its legal effects at the international level. However, his proposal

to see a legal basis for the provisional application of treaties in unilateral acts of

States met mostly critical reactions. Since the second report did not include any draft

articles or conclusions, its consideration was limited to rather brief but rich debate

during two plenary meetings.


See doc. A/CN.4/L.843 (2014), p. 12, § 50.


See doc. A/CN.4/674 (2014).


See doc. A/CN.4/L.845 (2014), pp. 7-8, § 29, 36.


See doc. A/CN.4/675 (2014).