If you are charged with a serious driving violation for example: reckless/careless driving;
leaving the scene of an accident; hit and run driving; driving with an expired or suspended
drivers' license while driving on company business, you will be subject to progressive
counseling up to and including termination.
Safe Cell Phone Usage in a Vehicle
Talking on a cell phone while driving is a distraction and WSI strongly discourages it. Always
comply with local laws related to cell phone usage in a vehicle. When driving for company
business, use the following precautionary measures regarding cell phone usage.
Refrain from placing or receiving unnecessary calls. Allow voice mail to handle your calls
and return them when it is safe and convenient.
Place calls when car is stopped or pull over to the side to the road if necessary. Never
dial while vehicle is in motion.
If it is necessary to answer a call while the car is in motion:
Keep any necessary conversations brief.
Always use hands-free devices, such as ear/mike accessory and phone cradle.
Suspend conversations during hazardous situations, including high pedestrian traffic,
congested traffic or severe weather conditions.
Actively compensate for the potential distraction created by mobile phone use, move to
slower travel lanes, increase your following distance and frequently check your mirrors to
assess the immediate driving situation.
Procedures for Expenses and Reporting Incidents/Accidents
Williams-Sonoma, Inc’s policy and procedures for Travel, Reimbursable Expenses and
Incidents/Accidents should be followed. Refer to the Travel Policy and Operations Manual for
specific details.
Once the designer determines the mileage using mapquest, the design consultant should
complete an Expense Report for all expenses incurred and turn into a manager. The manager
will process a PAID OUT through the POS, using the “mileage” reason code. The Expense
Report should then be attached to the PAID OUT slip and filed with the Daily Media.
Associate Name
Associate Signature