One Pint simple syrup, 1 pint brandy, 25 drops aniseed,
mix well, bottle.
2 quarts Brandy,
pint of Water, 2 pounds of powdered
sugar, 6 cloves, dash cinnamon, leave
with cloth 8 weeks, then strain, keep cold, and use when
desired, bottle.
Chop a quarter of an ounce of bitter almonds very fine,
and crush three quarters of a pound of sugar candy, take
two pounds of Sloes bruised or crushed, one quart Old Tom
Gin and a quarter pound of sugar, put all into small
crock, stir thoroughly and strain and bottle in 90 days.
Koumiss is fermented Mare's milk.
is a favorite
drink among the Nomadic Tribes of Siberia and Chinese
Tartary. A good substitute for it is made from cow's milk,
and is also highly recommended as an article of diet
the sick. ·ilt is made as follows :-Dissolve a pennyvforth·
of fresh yeast in a little water and mix it with a quart
of fresh; milk and a tablespoon of sugar, put the mixture
into champagne bottles, cork them down and wire them.
Shake the bottles good for a minute to mix all ingredients
thoroughly, then place them on end in a cool place to
ferment slowly, after three day s lay the bottles on their
sides, turn them occasionally. In five days it will be at its
best, but it will keep for an indefinite time in a re–
NOYEAU (Liqueur)
Blanche and. pound 3 ounces of bitter and one of Sweet
almonds. Put them into a jar, pour over them one quart
of pure brandy or whiskey, leave them for three days.
Shake them now and then. Strain liquid carefully through
filtering paper and then add one pound of cube sugar dis–
solved in half a pint of boiling water and two tablespoons
of fine honey. Bottle.
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