NECTAR (Liqu·eur)
Take t wo pounds of chopped Raisins, four pounds of
cube sugar and t wo gallons of bo"iling water, Mix
frequently till water is cold, then· add t wo sliced lemons
and three pints of proof spirit brandy or rum, macerate
in a closed vessel for six or seven days then strain, set
the liqueur in cool place for a week then bottle.
pound of the thin rind of oranges (no white)· pour
over it 1 pine of boiling water when cool add 2 quarts
Brandy, let it stand 10 day s, stir everyday. Make a
clarified syrup, 2 pounds sifted sugar, 1 pint water, add
this to the brandy and etc. Line a .funnel with piece of
muslin and that with chemist flltering pap-er, run through
twice or three times till it is bright. Bottle.
Thin rind yellow (no white) of 2;f lemons, cover them
with brandy, let stand one night, then strain through clean
white cloth add 2;2 ounches powdered sugar dissolved in
water. Then bottle.
Pour one quart of Brandy over the thin rind (no white)
and strain juice· of 4 oranges, (large) cover liquor closely.
Leave it in a warm place for six weeks. Shake E.very day.
At the end of six weeks filter it thru muslin and put into
small bottles.
Note:-Thisis unsweetened, add sugar to sweeten t aste
when desired.
Take rind of a fresh lemon free from the white, put
Into jar with
pint of ripe white currants (no stems)
piece of whole ginger size of bean. Pour over these in–
gredients one quart whiskey, let stand 24 hours, then strain
and sweeten with
pound of loaf sugar, let it stand 12
hours. Then bottle.
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