olunteerism Strategy
Discussion Paper : 2017
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
Investing in our people: developing personal capability
QFES has developed and implemented flexible and contemporary
volunteerism models to ensure ongoing attraction and sustainability.
These are evidenced by:
• Volunteerism being deeply embedded in QFES’ culture and ethos.
• Our people feel valued, respected, empowered and integral to our service.
• Enhanced recruitment and retention initiatives offering volunteer
opportunities across multiple life-stages.
• A suite of flexible training and developmental opportunities accessible
across a variety of platforms.
• Online volunteering opportunities being an integral part of
emergency service delivery.
• QFES having a comprehensive awards and recognition program.
• Enhanced youth engagement programs being established and accessible.
• Volunteerism being more reflective of the communities it supports
through promoting the benefits of diversity and inclusion and
strengthening community citizenship.
Consider how we could achieve these future state goals.
Some points for discussion are:
• What should a flexible volunteerism model look like?
• What would a flexible volunteerism model mean for you?
• What improvements can QFES make to our training
to better support our people?
• What do you believe would make volunteerism more inclusive?