olunteerism Strategy
Discussion Paper : 2017
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
QFES’ volunteer personnel are appropriately resourced and supported
according to local risk profiles and needs, and they also feel connected
and supported. Our people are supported through the provision of the
following components:
• Viable monitoring programs that inform whole-of-brigade/group capability
demands and risks.
• Departmental, service-specific and regional resourcing initiatives.
• Vehicles, equipment and facilities appropriately supporting
local risk profiles.
• Modern volunteer workforce management programs.
• Volunteers have access to effective and integrated systems and services
to better support their roles and functions.
• Sustainable funding models to maintain and build volunteer capabilities.
• Communication that is timely, relevant and easily accessible.
Again, the preferred future state is not limited to the above, but rather highlights
some key areas our volunteers and staff have raised to explore or improve.
Proficient support services
Some points for discussion are:
• How does technology support your group/brigade?
• What support services are important to you?
• How can we enhance our work with our partners to better facilitate
digital change?
• How could a greater sharing of knowledge or practices help develop
local capability?