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£ 10 on account, and the Irish solicitor, in reply,

guaranteed payment of this amount. After the

termination of the proceedings, the English solicitor

sent to the Irish solicitor particulars o f his costs

amounting to £59 8s. 3d. on which he allowed him

agency of £ 14 9s. 9d. The Irish solicitor admitted

liability for the sum o f ten guineas only. The

Council decided that in the absence of a stipulation,

express or implied, negativing or limiting the personal

liability of the Irish solicitor, the latter solicitor is

personally liable for the costs of the English agent,

less the usual agency commission, and that on the

facts submitted, the Irish solicitor was so liable.

Lien for costs. Charging order

A member acted for the plaintiff in an action for

personal injuries, who refused, against his solicitor’s

advice, to accept less than £1,000 damages. The sum

o f £450 was lodged in Court with the defence. The

action went to trial, and the jury awarded £450.

The defendant’ s costs were deducted from the money

lodged in Court. A cheque for the balance o f the

damages, made payable to the plaintiff, was sent to

the plaintiff’s solicitor. The solicitor handed the

cheque to the plaintiff and was unable to recover

his costs. It was decided to draw the attention o f the

solicitor to the fact that in a matter of this kind he

had a general retaining lien over the cheque until his

costs had been paid, and furthermore that he could

have applied to the Court under Section 3 o f the

Legal Practitioners (Ireland) Act, 1876, for a charge

on the amount o f damages received, being property

recovered or preserved through his instrumentality,

for his taxed costs in reference to the proceedings.

Purchase o f property by public body. Costs.



Secretary reported that in the case of Lanigan

against the Carlow Mental Hospital Board, the

Taxing Master had decided that Rule n o f the

Solicitor’s Remuneration General Order, 1884, did

not apply to the costs of the purchase by public

auction of property for use as a mental hospital

under the authority o f the Mental Treatment Act,

1945, which incorporates the provisions of the Lands

Clauses Acts. An appeal had been taken on behalf

o f the Hospital Board against the decision of the

Taxing Master, and Mr. Justice Kingsmill Moore had

allowed the appeal, and directed the costs should be

taxed under Schedule 2. It was ordered that the

Society should support an appeal to the Supreme

Court against the decision o f Mr. Justice Kingsmill


Nominations for Council and date o f ballot




1st November, 1950, was appointed as

the final date for receiving nominations for the

Council, and Thursday 16th November, 1950, was

appointed as the date of the ballot for the Council

for the year 1950-51 pursuant to byelaw 29A.

Landlord and Tenant Acts—costs



Secretary reported that at the request of the

Circuit Court Rules Committee, the President had

appointed a special committee of the Council to

draw up a scale o f costs as between party and party

under the Landlord and Tenants Acts, to be included

in the Circuit Court Rules. The Committee had met

and prepared the draft scales of costs. The Council

approved o f the scale subject to certain alterations,

and the Secretary was directed to forward them to

the Secretary o f the Circuit Court Rules Committee.


The Council invite applications from solicitors

and others for the position of librarian. Applications

should reach the Society before 7th September,

1950. Particulars o f the salary and conditions of

appointment may be obtained on application to

the Secretary o f the Society, Solicitors’ Buildings,

Four Courts, Dublin.




the Intermediate Examination for apprentices

to Solicitors held on the 1st and 2nd days of June,

1950, the following passed the examination :—

Passed witb Merit

1. Edwin Russell McCloughan. 2. John Brendan

O’Flynn. 3. Edward Patrick King. 4. John A.

Greene. 5. Cecil Arthur Lavery. 6. John Anthony


7. Henry Kelly.

8. Timothy Ryan.

9. Enda C. Gearty. 10. Thomas P. Kelly, n . David



Bernard M. Brennan, Bernard Thomas Burke,

Henry W. Burleigh, Finbar F. Callanan, Patrick J.

Cody, Simon D. J. Comer, Patrick J. Cusack,

Francis B. Geary, William F. Harpur, Francis G.

Keane, Ivan William Peter Kelly, John Vincent

Kelly, James H. Mackey, Felim H. Meade, Mary

Moore, Nora Mary Murphy, Mary Noone, John

A. Phelan, William Reginald White.

The remaining candidates are postponed.

Thirty-eight candidates entered; 30 passed;

7 were postponed; one did not attend.