May 2015
ith more than 40 years’
experience, an extensive
branch infrastructure that
is situated close to its cus-
tomers and a team of tech-
nically skilled sales personnel with process
knowledge, Multotec is geared up to achieve
its documented goals. International exposure
to best practice, as well as collaboration with
international companies and customers, allows
the company to stay abreast of technology.
Rhodes Nelson, Managing Director of
Multotec Manufacturing, explains that one of
the company’s action points is to increase its
collaborative efforts. “In the past collaboration
was done within the local minerals process-
ing environment and included inter-mineral
collaboration. A major step has been setting
up collaborative initiatives on a global scale
and, most importantly, across industry sectors.
Markets where collaboration is taking place
range from traditional minerals processing
in the mining sector to industrial processing,
chemicals, food and beverage, and aggregates.
On a more intimate level, our collaboration
with global sister companies will allow us to
bring technologies and solutions into Africa.”
Another very significant initiative is the
acceleration of Multotec’s R&D programme.
This comprises collaboration with tertiary insti-
tutions, including universities in South Africa.
“While Multotec R&D has largely always been
needs driven, we welcome active participation
from customers who have specific needs. In
these instances we can develop an appropri-
ate solution by including input and feedback
from customers. Some of the R&D being done
is aimed at reducing costs and also trying to
improve process efficiencies, which proves
challenging due to the fact that the industry is
mature,” Nelson continues.
Technology at the forefront
A number of product developments and inno-
vations from Multotec are aimed at increasing
throughput and efficiency in various applica-
tions. These include visual wear indicators on
individual screen media panels that show the
incremental wear rates that occur on screening
media. In another example, three-dimensional
Multotec aims to be top
in screening
Rhodes Nelson, MD
of Multotec Manufacturing,
and Roy Roche, Vice
President Screening Media
at Multotec, examining
a screen panel with the
O-slot™ aperture.
Multotec’s state-
of-the-art rubber injection
moulding plant where
rubber screen panels are
Multotec believes that remaining competitive and driving
sustainability are not based on complacency, but rather
on strategically mapping a series of plans that will carry its
business into the future. The company aims to become the
number one screening media technology solutions provider
for the global minerals processing industry within the next
five to ten years. This objective was set down a year ago and
involves the implementation of a number of initiatives.