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Registration Document 2016 — Capgemini




Annual financial report

reported 2016 global revenues of EUR 12.5 billion.

technology and outsourcing services, the Group

in over 40 countries. A global leader in consulting,

With more than 190,000 people, Capgemini is present

1967 » and will celebrate its 50


anniversary in 2017.

Capgemini has always been « living the future since

Memorandum approve by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF – the French financial market authority).

Regulations. It may be used in connection with a financial transaction if it is accompanied by an Information

Financiers (AMF – the French financial market authority) on March 17, 2017, pursuant to Article 212-13 of its General

The French version of this Registration Document (Document de Référence) was filled with the Autorité des Marchés

This document was prepared by the issuer and engages the responsibility of its signatories.