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The information from the Annual Financial Report is clearly identified in the table of contents by the AFR symbol


Registration Document 2016 — Capgemini

1 activities Presentation of the Group and its 5 Group milestones and values 1.1 6 Group activities 1.2 8 Main Group subsidiaries and simplified 1.3 organization chart 14 The market and the competitive environment 1.4 16 maturity of the Group A solid performance in 2016, reflecting further 1.5 18 Investment and financing policies 1.6 25 Risk analysis 1.7 26 2 Corporate governance and Internal control 37 Board of Directors Governance structure and composition of the 2.1 39 Organization and activities of the Board of 2.2 Directors 64 General organization of the Group 2.3 79 Compensation of executive corporate officers 2.4 83 Internal control and risk management 2.5 procedures 96 Statutory Auditors’ report, prepared in 2.6 prepared by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Cap Gemini S.A. accordance with Article L.225-235 of the French Commercial Code on the report 102 3 Ethics Responsibility (CSR) and business Capgemini: People, Corporate Social 103 Our approach 3.1 104 People and Talent Management 3.2 108 Managing our environmental impact 3.3 132 and sustainability initiatives Partnering with external stakeholders on social 3.4 146 commitments and recognitions Our People, Social & Sustainability 3.5 152 Grenelle correlation table 3.6 155 Report by one of the Statutory Auditors, 3.7 management report and social information included in the consolidated human resources, environmental appointed as independent third party on the 158


Financial information 161 consolidated results Analysis on Capgemini 2016 Group 4.1 162 Consolidated financial statements 4.2 168 Statements Comments on the Cap Gemini S.A. Financial 4.3 232 2016 Financial statements 4.4 234 Other financial and accounting information 4.5 255 5 Cap Gemini and its shareholders 257 Cap Gemini share capital 5.1 258 Cap Gemini and the stock market 5.2 263 Current ownership structure 5.3 266 Share buyback program 5.4 268 6 of May 10, 2017 the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting draft resolutions to be presented at Report of the Board of Directors and 271 Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting Resolutions presented at the 6.1 272 Shareholders’ Meeting Resolutions presented at the Extraordinary 6.2 290 Summary table of financial authorizations 6.3 currently in force or submitted for approval 306 Statutory auditors’ reports 6.4 309 company (Societas Europaea, SE) conversion of Cap Gemini into a European Report of the Conversion Auditor on the 6.5 312


Additional Information 313 Legal information 7.1 314 Group Management structure 7.2 318 2015 Historical Financial Information for 2014 and 7.3 319 Persons responsible for the information 7.4 320


Cross-reference table 323 Regulation (EC) no.809/2004 Information required under Commission 8.1 324 Annual Financial Report cross reference table 8.2 326 and seq. of the French Commercial Code Report required under Articles L. 225-100 Cross-reference table for the Management 8.3 327

between the French and the English version, only the text in French language shall be deemed authentic and considered as expressing the exact information

This document is a non-binding “free” translation from French into English and has no legal value other than an informative one. Should there be any difference

published by Cap Gemini S.A
