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2.4 Compensation of executive corporate officers



Registration Document 2016 — Capgemini

Compensation of executive corporate officers



of the Executive Officers compensation. It remains subject to shareholders' approval at the Combined Shareholders's meeting of May 10,

shareholders established pursuant to the provisions of Article L225-37-2 of the Code de Commerce related to the principles and criteria

The description of the compensation policy in the section 2.4.1 below, corresponds to the report of the Board of Directors to

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer compensation policy


General Principles

fixed or variable compensation, the grant of equity instruments or

supplementary pension benefits.

revised AFEP-MEDEF Code issued in November 2016.

Chief Executive Officer comply with the recommendations of the

accordance with the recommendations of this Code, whether

Compensation components and structure were determined in

The procedures for setting the compensation of the Chairman and

attendance fees since fiscal year 2009.

In addition to complying with “market” rules and in line with past

not have an employment agreement, is not entitled to termination

Group practice, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer does

benefits in kind. In addition, he has waived his right to receive

benefits, is not covered by a non-compete clause and receives no

its resulting proposals to the Board of Directors for approval.

These principles are regularly reviewed and discussed by the

Compensation Committee which submits a report on its work and

relevant benchmark and the most transparent, but additional

case of partnerships. CAC 40 companies are therefore the most

of the sector in which the Company operates.

analyses take account of the international and competitive aspects

countries and legal structures of competitors, in particular in the

Compensation publication practice varies significantly between the

competitors in the IT services and consulting sector.

The Compensation Committee refers in particular to comparative


of both the compensation level and structure

studies to ensure the



consistency and

recommendations take account of executive management

and calculation methods with market practice. The Committee’s

well as observed practice in leading French and foreign Group

compensation levels and components in CAC 40 companies as

made in 2015 and 2016.

integrated into the items detailed below. No observations were

companies. These observations were taken into account and

governance and executive management compensation in listed

well as of the AMF 2015 and 2016 reports on corporate

issued to Cap Gemini in July 2014 by the High Committee for

The Compensation Committee took due note of the observations


, HCGE) and of its 2015 and 2016 activity reports, as

Corporate Governance (

Haut Comité de Gouvernement

to 40% of this amount subject to the attainment of pre-defined

target theoretical compensation and a variable component equal

collective and individual objectives.

with that of key operating managers

. One of the historical

aligns the compensation structure of the Chief Executive Officer

management comprises a fixed component equal to 60% of the

rules of the Group is that the remuneration of executive

in France and abroad. The Group also ensures that the respective

adequate level compared with comparable sector compensation

valued in accordance with IFRS are


, in line with market

proportions of fixed and variable components and share grants

to Group strategy

. The fixed component is determined in

practices and

linked to Company’s performance and aligned

accordance with a major philosophy specific to the Group, which

companies carried out by specialist firms. These comparisons

median compensation for CAC 40 companies, and is of an

show that Mr. Paul Hermelin’s global compensation is close to the

comparable size and ambition, the Compensation Committee

When performing comparisons with French companies of

practices of CAC 40 companies in terms of both the clarity and

ensures that Cap Gemini’s practices are in line with the best

participated in 2016 in comparative studies of the main French

consistency of methods applied. As in previous years, the Group

those applied in European companies. Observing their practices

market and compensation levels. In American companies such as

nonetheless provides relevant information on the nature of the

substantial proportion of long-term share-based compensation

CSC, Accenture and IBM, total compensation includes a

The Compensation Committee also monitors the main practices of

America and India are structurally and culturally different from

its international competitors. Compensation practices in North


Procedures for setting fixed and variable

does that of all key executive managers of the Group – fixed

year Y-1. As indicated above, this compensation comprises – as

total theoretical amount if objectives are achieved and variable

compensation paid in 12 monthly installments equal to 60% of the

closely correlated to the Company’s performance.

compensation equal to 40% of this total theoretical amount,

respect of fiscal year Y are adopted by the Board of Directors’

The procedures for setting Mr. Paul Hermelin’s compensation in

Meeting in Y held to approve the financial statements of fiscal

year for the year in progress:

The Board of Directors therefore approves at the beginning of the


fixed compensation as indicated in the summary table

the total compensation are therefore both capped and the

theoretical/target compensation.

The variable component and

variable component may not represent more than 133% of

V1 tied to Group performance indicators and consolidated

with 50% minimum based on quantified objectives, set by the

results and V2 based on the attainment of individual objectives,

between 0% and a ceiling equal to 200% of the theoretical

Board of Directors. Each of these components can vary

compensation may vary between 60% and 140% of annual

amount. Therefore, as a result of this system, fixed plus variable

The theoretical variable component is in turn split into two parts:

the theoretical fixed and variable compensation components.