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2.2 Organization and activities of the Board of Directors



Registration Document 2016 — Capgemini

deliberated the independence of directors and the absence of

conflict of interest in preparation for the Registration Document;

monitored changes in the AFEP-MEDEF Code and their impacts

on the governance of the Company;

consequences for Cap Gemini;

corruption and the modernization of the economy) and their

was briefed on changes in legislative and regulatory provisions

so-called “Sapin 2” law on transparency, the fight against

(statutory audit reform, European market abuse regulation,

Gouvernement d’Entreprise

, HCGE) presented in its 2016

High Committee for Corporate Governance (

Haut Comité de

(AMF) presented in its 2016 report on corporate governance and

activity report and of the French Financial Markets Authority

executive management compensation in listed companies;

was also briefed on the conclusions and observations of the

prepared the work of the Board on the proposed conversion of

the Company to a European company (SE);

Specialized Committees in preparation for the Combined

Shareholders’ Meeting of May 10, 2017.

launched a debate on the composition of the Board and its

Talent - Succession plans

The Ethics & Governance Committee:

was briefed by

Mr. Hubert Giraud

, Director of People

pool and recommended that the pool of potential employees for

Management and Talent Development, on the Group’s talent

Committee be widened and include more women and

promotion to the Group Executive Board and the Executive

international employees as well as former IGATE employees;

prospects of around 30 high potential Group employees;

was briefed on the launch of an assessment of the potential and

Executive Officer arise suddenly;

necessary should the need to replace the Chairman and Chief

ensured that its Chairman was ready to implement the measures

debated the director terms of office expiring at the 2018

corporate officer.

Combined Shareholders’ Meeting, including that of the executive


The Ethics & Governance Committee interviewed the Ethics,

Compliance and Internal Audit Director (

Mr. Philippe Christelle


September 2015. Mr. Philippe Christelle submitted his report to

these two functions being held by the same person since

the Committee presenting:

Finally, it highlighted that Capgemini was recognized as “One of

2016, representing approximately 50,000 hours of training).

2016 by the American Institute, Ethisphere, thereby confirming

the World’s Most Ethical Companies” in 2013, 2014, 2015 and

our all its stakeholders;

the quality of the Group's ethical responsibility culture towards

procedure). This report highlighted the Group's major efforts in

activities (training, communication and professional warning

the Group's Ethics & Compliance program (over 80,000 E&C

e-learning, in particular to integrate former IGATE employees to

e-learning sessions were followed by former IGATE employees in

in the first section an overview of the three Ethics & Compliance

following 2016 audits to help further improve compliance with

Group ethical rules and principles.

that the ethical framework within which the Group has decided

in the second section of the report, an audit report concluding

throughout the Group. The report contains recommendations

to operate, is, overall, correctly understood and followed

The Strategy and Investment Committee
















(1) As at December 31, 2016.

(2) The directors representing employees are not taken into account in calculating

this percentage, in accordance with the provisions of the AFEP-MEDEF Code.

Committee duties

The role of this committee is to:

maintain its independence to enrich Board discussions;

ensure its continued growth, improve its profitability and

study in-depth the strategic options available to the Group to

of these possible strategies;

determine the amount of investment required to implement each

identify and assess the alliances or acquisitions which would

these strategies;

appear able to facilitate or accelerate the implementation of

presenting an opinion and/or recommendations (or at least

finally, recommend a choice to the Board of Directors, by

establish an order of priority).

provided it does not compromise the smooth running of

direction or issue considered relevant to the Group’s future,

More generally, the Committee identifies and deliberates on any

operations and guarantees operating and financial stability.

Composition and participation

(Independent Director).

five directors:

Mr. Bruno Roger,


Mr. Daniel Bernard

From May 7, 2014 to September 1, 2016, this committee had

(Independent Director) and

Ms. Caroline Watteeuw-Carlisle

(Independent Director),

Mr. Paul Hermelin


Ms. Anne Bouverot

This committee now has six directors, as

Mr. Robert Fretel

director representing employees on September 1, 2016.

joined the Strategy & Investment Committee when he became a

The Committee met five times in 2016, with an average

attendance rate of 100%.