Introduction
of
Tea
into
Europe
—
Early
Authorities
thereon
"
Tay
"
—
Its
Introduction
into
England
—
Excise
Duty
thereon
—
Thomas
Garway's
Advertisement.
tea
was
first
introduced
into
Europe
is
still
an
unsettled
question,
and
the
earliest
mention
that
the
writers
can
find
(that
,is,
to
verify)
is
in
a
volume
of
Travels
by
Father
Giovanni
Pietro
Maffei/
published
(book
vi.,
p.
109).
Speaking
of
his
travels
in
China,
he
says
:
**
Quanquam
e
vitibus
more
nostro
non
exprimunt
merum,
uvas
quodam
condimenti
genere
in
hyemem
adservare,
mos
est
coeterum
ex
herba
quadam
expressus
liquor
admodum
^
Joannis
Petri
Maffeii
Bergo?naHs,
e
Sodetate
JesUy
Historiarum
Indicarum^
etc.
Florentice^
1588.