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Take 1 pint of clarified syrup.

1 wine-glass of Curaqoa.

Shake well together and bottle. A t e a - spoonful in

cold water makes a pleasant e~n



Take 14 pounds of loaf-sugar.

2 quarts of water.

2 eggs.

D issolve the sugar i n t h e w a t e r , and l e t t he m

simmer; when niilk .warin add the wh it e o f t he eggs

well beaten; simmer again and skim well. Wh en cold

Ravor wit h o r ange-Rower water o r b i t t e r ahnonds,

whichever may be preferred.


Every liqueur niade by infusion is thus called. %'hen

the spirit has imbibed thoroughly the Ravor and color

of the fruit steeped in it, the infusion is drawn o6'and

sugar added; then filtered and bottled,

Aromatic T i nc t u r e .

Take 1 ounce of ginger.

1 ounce of cinnainon.

1 ounce of orange peel.

~ ounce of valerian.

2 quarts of alcohol.

Macerate the ingredients in the a l cohol in a c l ose

vessel for fourteen days, then filter t h r ough fi l t e r i ng

Ha ~ w l o c 1% T o b a c c o s

Retai lprice,ed.,1/-8r 1/sper plug.