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F ilter the liquor, and add it t o t h e s o l u tion of o i l

and. ammonia. Bo t tl e for use.

This quantity is sufBcient for Ravoring 100 gallons

of brandy.

Solferino Coloring.

1 gallon of alcohol (95 per cent.


Take'1 ounce of solferino.

Put them in a bottle, shake well, and in 24 hours it

will be ready for use.

1 pint of water.


Take 7 pounds of loaf-sugar.

C rush and dissolve the sugar in the water ; boi l i t

in a 5-gallon copper kettle, stirrin ~ occasionally, until

it gets brown; when it begins to burn, reduce the fire;

let it burn un t i l t he smoke becoines offensive to the

eyes; then try i t by d i pp ing a rod into it, and letting

a few drops fall into a glass of cold water; if i t settles

at the bottom and crystallizes, so that it wil l crack, it

is done. T hen t a k e a b ou t h a l f g a l l on l u k e -warm

water, and pour it in by degrees, stirring all the time.

%'hen thoroughly mixerl, filter it wh ile hot t h r ough a

coarse Rannel filter.

Tincture Of Orange Peel .

Take 1 pound of dried orange peel (ground).

Place them in a closely corked vessel for 10 days.

Strain and bottle for use.

1 gallon of spirits (95'per cent.)

Ha v e l o c R T o b a c c o s .

Dark an d A r omatic.