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April 2015


Mineral resource exceeds target at Mahumo

ASX-listed MOD Resources has announced

a high grade mineral resource of 2,68 Mt

at 2 % Cu and 50 g/t Ag (at a 1 % cut-off )

for Stage One of its 100 %-owned Mahumo

copper/silver project in Botswana. The

tonnes and grade are well above MOD’s tar-

get of 2 Mt at 1,8 % Cu and 45 g/t Ag.

The resource has a copper equivalent

grade of approximately 2,5 % – which MOD

understands is the highest announced

grade for any copper/silver deposit in

Botswana. It adds that the silver grade is

approximately three times the average sil-

ver grade of other announced resources in

the Kalahari Copperbelt.

Due to the high grades at Mahumo, MOD

is now proceeding with a scoping study to

evaluate a range of options for potential

mining and ore processing at Mahumo.

Metallurgical test work has already com-

menced to validate preliminary results

announced on 29 September 2014. The

scoping study is due for completion in the

June quarter.

“The Stage One mineral resource at

Mahumo has exceeded our expectations,”

comments Julian Hanna, MD of MOD

Resources. “Importantly, the high copper

and silver grades are continuous from near

surface to the deepest intersections in drill-

ing completed to date. Mahumo remains

open ended below the current resource

and it appears that further drilling may

result in a significant increase in the size of

the resource.”

ASX-listed Cradle Resources has announced

the results of a Preliminary Feasibility Study

(PFS) for the Panda Hill niobium project in

south-western Tanzania.

Grant Davey, the MD of Cradle, com-

mented: “We are very pleased with the

results of the PFS, which demonstrate a

highly economic, world class project. The

PFS substantially de-risks the project fol-

Tsodilo Resources is completing a dia-

mond core drilling programme of 15 holes

to a cumulative depth of 2 621 m on both

the main and satellite bodies at its BK16

kimberlite project located within the

Orapa Kimberlite Field (OKF) in Botswana

Tsodilo acquires mobile DMS plant for BK16 sampling

The 10 t/h DMS plant acquired by Tsodilo

Resources for the BK16 project.

in order to develop an advanced geologi-

cal model.

In anticipation of the bulk sampling

programme which is scheduled to start

during the second half of this year, the

company has purchased a DMS mobile

plant from De Beers Botswana. The plant

is capable of handling a 10 t/h head feed

throughput and was used in the evalu-

ation of AK6 (Karowe diamond mine)

owned by Lucara Diamond Corp. It is set

up and located just outside Lethlakane vil-

lage approximately 15 km directly WNW

from the BK16 pipe.

The plant includes primary and second-

ary crushers (cone and jaw), de-sliming

screens, conveyors, a scrubber with 12 mm

trommel screen, a DMS preparation screen

and a DMS cyclone (250 mm/57 mm). It is

equipped with a laboratory, security office

and concentrate storage units.

Tsodilo intends to spend some time

refurbishing the plant in order to start

treatment of the diamondiferous BK16

kimberlite during Phase 1 of the evaluation

programme towards the end of this year.

Using very conservative estimated grades,

the company intends to extract and treat

some 3 500 tons in order to recover in

excess of 200 carats during the evaluation


“Tsodilo continues to advance its proj-

ects in an expedient and cost effective

fashion by utilising its company-owned

drill rigs, geophysical equipment and now

the DMS processing plant. This allows us

to evaluate the potential of our projects

in a fast and cost effective fashion which is

crucial at any time but especially in today’s

economic environment. The outlook for

diamonds is very positive and we want

to move BK16 along as fast as we can,”

says Tsodilo’s Chairman and CEO, James

M Bruchs.

PFS demonstrates a “world class”niobium project

lowing on from excellent results achieved

with the resource drilling and the metal-

lurgical test work last year. We focused the

study on a higher grade mining schedule

that delivers the optimal early cash flow for

the project. With the Definitive Feasibility

Study already underway, and an updated

mineral resource due out shortly, we are

well advanced in ensuring that Panda Hill

will be the next niobium producer.”

The PFS was prepared by MDM

Engineering Projects (MDM) who also

undertook plant design and cost estimates.

It incorporates technical aspects from

Coffey Mining for the mineral resource esti-

mate, SRK Consulting (Australasia) for the

geotechnical analysis and mine planning,

SGS Canada Inc for metallurgical test work,

SLR Consulting (Africa) for tailings andwater

studies and MTL Consulting Company Ltd

for environmental and social studies.

The ‘Base Case’ for the PFS is centred

upon an open-pit mining operation pro-

viding 2 Mt/a mill feed over a 30-year life of

mine (LOM). This is the same scale of oper-

ation that was considered in the Scoping

Study and is the current size of Magris

Resources’ Niobec operation in Canada,

thus allowing useful comparative analysis.

With the success achieved in the PFS

in both mill feed grade and metallurgical

recoveries, the initial ferroniobiumproduc-

tion from a 2 Mt/a plant now approximates

8 to 10 % of world production. For this

reason, and to simplify financing arrange-

ments, the Definitive Feasibility Study will

be scoped so as to achieve a more modest

entry into the market (i.e. throughput com-

mencing at 1 Mt/a).