43.
Hocky
Mountain
Punch.
(For
a
mixed
party
of
twenty.)
(From
a
recipe
in
the
possession
of
Major
James
Foster.)
This
delicious
punch
is
compounded
as
follows
bottles
of
champagne.
quart
of
Jamaica
rum.
pint
of
maraschino.
lemons,
sliced.
Sugar
to
taste.
Mix
the
above
ingredients
in
a
large
punch-bowl,
then
place
in
the
centre
of
the
bowl
a
large
square
block
of
ice,
ornauiented
on
top
with
rock
candy,
loaf-sugar,
sliced
lemons
or
oranges,
and
fruits
in
season.
This
is
a
splendid
punch
for
New
Year's
Day.
44.
Punch
Grassot.
(The
foylowing
recipe
was
given
by
M.
Grassot,
the
eminent
French
comedian
ol
the
Palais
Royal,
to
Mr.
Howard
Paul,
the
celebrated
"Entertainer,"
when
per
forming
in
I-aris.)
wine-glass
of
brandy.
drops
of
Cura9oa.
do.
acetic
acid.
teaspoonfuls
of
simple
syrup.
teaspoonful
of
syrup
of
strawberries.
\
of
a
pint
of
water.
The
peel
of
a
small
lemon,
sliced.
Mix,
serve
up
with
ice,
in
large
goblet,
and,
if
possible,
garnish
the
top
with
a
slice
of
peach
or
apricot.
In
cold
weather
this
jDunch
is
admirable
served
hot.