Seymour's Fancy.
{See also page 47.)
Put into a small tumbler a tablespoonful of
each of the following syrups: grape cham
pagne, cherry brandy, lemon punch, and cura9oa
punch ; fill up the tumbler with boiling water.
Shandy GafF.
Mix in a small tumbler one tablespoonful of
each of the following syrups: bitter ale, ginger
ale, lemon punch, and ginger brandy; mix well,
and fill up the tumbler with boiling water.
{See also page 48.)
Break an egg into a large tumbler, whisk it
well, and add a tablespoonful of each of the
following syrups: lemon punch and orange
bitters, with a liqueur-glass of rum punch
syrup; fill up the tumbler with boiling water,
and add a dust of nutmeg.
Stone Fence.
Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of
each of the following syrups: cherry cider,
champagne cider, with a wineglass of Irish
whisky; fill up the tumbler with boiling water.
Put into a small tumbler a tablespoonful of
each of the following syrups ; cura9oa punch,
lemon punch,pineapplepunch, and rumpunch;
mix well, and fill up the tumbler with boiling