Absinthe Frapp^,
Put into a wineglass sufficient finely shaved
ice to three-parts fill the glass, about twenty
drops of gum syrup, and fill up with absinthe ;
stir continually for half a minute, then strain
into a small glass, and drink directly.
Arctic Regions.
Put into a large tumbler a quarter of a pint
of milk, one wineglass of sherry, one egg, shaved
ice, and a tablespoonful of icing sugar; shake
well, dust with cinnamon, and serve with straws.
Avenue Charmer.
Put into a small tumbler a quarter of a wine
glass of vanillasyrup, half a wineglass of sherry,
and a quarter of a wineglass of brandy; fill with
shaved ice, shake well, and decorate; insert
two straws.
Auld Man's Milk, or Egg Nogg.
(See also pages 62, 89, loi, 125 and 126.
To a small tumbler of milk add a wineglass
of rum or other spirit.
Auld Man's Milk.
Another Way.
Put into a small tumbler two teaspoonfuls of
icing sugar, one egg well beaten and strained,
a quarter of a pint of milk, and a wineglass of
Scotch whisky; fill up with shaved ice, shake
well, dust with nutmeg, and insert two straws.