Fairy Kiss.
Put into a small tumbler the juice of a quarter
of a lemon, a quarter of a wineglass of vanilla
syrup, a quarter of a wineglass of curagoa, a
quarter of a wineglass of yellow chartreuse,
and a quarter of a wineglass of brandy; add a
little shaved ice, shake, and strain. This is a
very pleasant drink.
Flash of Lightning.
Put into a small tumbler one-third of a wine
glass of raspberry syrup, one-third of a wine
glass of curagoa, one-third of a wineglass of
brandy, and three drops of Angostura bitters;
add shaved ice, shake, and strain.
Put into a small tumbler one wineglass of
milk, one egg well beaten and strained, one tea-
spoonful of icing sugar, and one wineglass of
port wine; fill with shaved ice, shake well,
strain, and dust with cinnamon and nutmeg.
Gin and Tansy.
Fill a quart decanter one-third full with
tansy and the balance with gin ; let it draw for
a few days until the tansy has soaked well into
the gin. Serve in a wineglass.