Put into a small tumbler half a wineglass of
spruce, half a wineglass of Jamaica rum, and a
tablespoonful of icing sugar; add shaved ice,
shake, strain, and dust with nutmeg.
Rum Sorbet.
Prepare a lemon-water ice, as in Roman
Punch, add two glasses of rum, omitting the
brandy, champagne and tea.
Saratoga Brace Up.
Put into a large tumbler one tablespoonful of
icing sugar, twelve drops of Angostura bitters,
twelve drops of lemon-juice, six drops of lime-
juice, twelve drops of anisette, one fresh egg,
and a wineglass of brandy. Half fill the glass
with shaved ice, shake thoroughly, strain into
another large tumbler, and fill with syphon
Vichy or Apollinaris water.
Seymour's Fancy.
{See, also page 111.)
Put into a small tumbler half a wineglass of
maraschino, the like quantity of cura9oa, a tea-
spoonful of icing sugar, onewineglass of brandy,
and the squeeze ofa lemon ; fill the tumblerwith
shaved ice, shake Well, and strain; ornament
with a slice of lemon.
Shandy Gaff.
To a pint of bitter or mild ale add a bottle
of ginger-beer and a lump of ice.