Stone Wall.
Put into a large tumbler half a tablespoonful of
sugar, three or four lumps of ice, one wineglass
of whisky and a bottle of soda-water. Stir with
a spoon, extract the ice, and serve.
Into a spiral wine or large liqueur glass put,
firstly, one-fifth of the glass of maraschino;
secondly, the same of curagoa; thirdly, the
same of green chartreuse ; fourthly, the like of
yellow chartreuse; and, lastly, the like of brandy,
being careful not to mix the ingredients. The
amateur can successfully accomplish this rather
delicate drink by pouring the ingredients over
the back of the bowl of a teaspoon.
(White) Tiger's Milk.
Put into a small tumbler a small wine
glass of apple jack {i.e., cider and Irish whisky
in equal parts), the like quantity of peach brandy,
and half a spoonful of essenceof spice ; beat up
separately the white of an egg with a teaspoon-
ful of icing sugar, and add it to the above ; fill
up the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well,
and strain; add half a tumbler of milk, and
dust with grated nutmeg.