Morning Glory Fizz.
Dissolve in a little water in a large tumbler
the white of one fresh egg, the juice of half a
lemon, a tablespoonful of icing sugar, twelve
drops of lime-juice, and thirty drops of absinthe.
Nearly fill the glass with shaved ice, add a
wineglass of Scotch whisky, shake well, strain
into another large tumbler, fill up balance with
seltzer or Vichy water, and serve.
Rye Fizz.
This drink is made the same as Bourbon
Fizz, substituting old Kentucky rye whisky for
Silver Fizz.
Put into a tumbler the juice of half a lemon
and one wineglass of gin; fill up to three parts
with shaved ice, then put the white of an egg
beaten to a stiff froth into the tumbler, shake
well, strain, add a teaspoonful of icing sugar, in
which place a pinch of carbonate of soda, stir
well, and drink while it is effervescing.
Whisky Fizz.
This drink is made the same way as a Gin
Fizz, substituting Irish or Scotch whisky for