Brandy and Rum.
Put into a bowl a quarter of a pound of icing
sugar, the thin rind and juiceof one lemon, and
one pint of boiling water ; mix well, and then
add two wineglasses of Jamaica rum and two
wineglasses of brandy; dust nutmeg on the
(See fage 134.)
Rub the rind of one lemon on a quarter of a
pound of lump sugar; dissolve the sugar in
boiling water, then add half a pint of boiling
al"-, a gill of strong hot tea, the juice of the
lemon, a wineglass of brandy, and the like of
Jamaica rum ; mix well.
English Milk.
(For Two.)
Dissolve in half a pint of boiling milk one
tablespoonful of icing sugar, then add half a
wineglassful of brandy and the like quantity of
Santa Cruz or white rum; mix well together.
Grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
Put into a small tumbler one wineglass of
Bourbon whisky, the juice of an orange, and a
teaspoonful of icing sugar ; fill up with boiling