Office of the Minister for Finance,
Dublin 2.
3 July, 1980.
Mr. James J. Ivers,
Director General,
The Law Society.
Dear Mr. Ivers,
Further to my letter of 30 May in which I indicated
that I had taken up the question of the staffing,
organisation and work procedures in the Valuation Office
with the Minister for the Public Service and hoped to have
definite word for you shortly, the following is the up-to-
date position.
The survey of the Valuation Office which was initiated
by the Minister for the Public Service has unfortunately
been held up as a result of certain objections by valuer
staff and the Minister is at present trying to resolve the
impasse. In the meantime, however, he has authorised the
filling of 21 valuer posts, although I am sure that you
appreciate that new recruits require a familiarisation
period before they can perform their functions efficiently.
Yours sincerely,
Michael O'Kennedy,
Minister for Finance.
High Street.
Co. Meath.
14 July 1980.
James J. Ivers, Esq.,
Director General,
The Law Society.
Dear Sir,
I am pleased to note the concession made by the
Department of Social Welfare towards the production of
Adjudicated Transfer before the granting of a Pension. A
Transfer Deed will now be accepted by the Department if
accompanied by a Solicitor's undertaking that it will be
stamped in due course.
While this concession will be welcomed by all Members
of the Profession we should be mindful of the dangers of
giving the undertaking requested by the Department
without first being in funds to cover the Stamp Duty or,
alternatively, arrangements being made with the Client's
Bank that the funds would be forthcoming when required.
When assessing the duty it will be necessary to bear in
mind that the valuation as furnished by the client will
normally be increased by the Valuation Office.
Yours faithfully,
Rory McEntee,
M. A. Regan, McEntee & Co.
Capital Taxes Branch,
Office of Revenue Commissioners,
Dublin Castle,
Dublin 2.
25th June 1980.
Mr. James J. Ivers,
Director General,
The Law Society.
Dear Mr. Ivers,
I refer to a recent meeting with you in the course of
which you raised the question of the availability of telex
facilities in this Branch of the Office of the Revenue
Commissioners. I am pleased to inform you that such
facilities are now available and that the number, which is
indicated on current correspondence, is 4652.
Yours sincerely,
G. E. P. Johnston.
Land Registry, Central Office,
Chancery Street,
Dublin 7.
14th July, 1980.
Mr. James J. Ivers,
Director General,
The Law Society.
Dear Mr. Ivers,
I have your letter of the 10th instant.
There will be no.necessity for a Solicitor to operate
through his Town Agent when the new practice is
operative. A Common Search should issue within ten
days. If the Solicitor puts his reference on the requisition
forms he will have the reference with the result of the
Yours sincerely,
William T. Moran,
8 South Georges Street,
Dublin 2.
23rd June, 1980.
The Editor,
Law Society Gazette,
Dear Sir,
Ever slow to tilt at a colleague, for once, 1 might
take issue with Mr. Desmond Moran (his letter of the
18th of April, 1980-April, 1980 Gazette). Our view here,
has been, that in litigation matters the title of letters,
would always follow as in the title of the litigation,
whether one acts for Plaintiff or Defendant. I wondered
how Mr. Moran might title his letter where he acts for a
Third Party.